To sum it up, I miss someone who's probably in his blankie trying to sweat his fever off. Get well soon, baby! One day before birthday pun, demam kan. :( Tonight we'll talk okay? Tolong la carikan Bunny nanti...
The funniest shit:
Our english teacher has the funniest accent, he sound like a french man but actually la kan, he cannot pronounce R. He will end up talking like this.
Cikgu X: Nadigha, bila nak pass up assignment? Kalau kita daghabkan ini, kita dapat apa?
Ferra: Tghee teacher.
Cikgu X: Logaghitheem ni tak susah ye.
And he wrote this on my friend's paper.
"Semoga Teha cantik dengan segala yang baik"
Rest In Peace, Mikaeel Jackson. You will always be remembered and we will be moonwalking everywhere starting from now.